Monday, January 7, 2013

Do you have true friends?

 True Friend.

In my opinion not many people know how to be a true friend. I have had friends that walked all over me. If a friend does that are they even a friend? That’s not even a question of course not! I’ve gotten advice on this topic everyone gives me different advice. It’s hard to deal with anyone that treats you like you are not human. I know I have a “friend” who decides to talk about me behind their back to their friends. That person friends come up to me and tell me what they say. I get hurt and upset over why people decide to do this. If you would rather not be friends with someone don’t sit and talk crap on them with other people just tell them you would rather not be friends. Having people talk behind your back or even be rude to you in person just doesn’t make nay sense to me. There are mean and cruel people in the world. But when you find a true friend you actually feel when they are there. I have friends that are there for me always whenever I need them. Those people I have very few because of the ones that actually care you loose more and more friends. Growing up is a huge part of loosing and knows who your friends are going to be for the rest of your life. Knowing a true friends key you just need to surround yourself around the people you know care about you and you care for them. It doesn’t matter how many you have or how little. These are the type of people that will make you smile when you never think you will again. The types who will make sure your not sitting home on a Friday night do absolute nothing. I love all my true friends but one thing that is will never be easy if picking out the people who aren’t true to you.

Monsters Inc!

            Movie Review: A Classic Movie.

            Everyone has his or her own view on a “classic movie”. If it can be animation or have real actors or actresses in the movie. I’m going to tell you what one of the most classic movies in my opinion. Monster Inc. Alright you may think I’m crazy because Monster Inc yes, the movie about monsters scaring children. A classic? This movie is great for people of all ages. Children, teenagers, adults, and even the elders. For children the movie will catch their eye much more since Monsters Inc tries to catch the eye of the children. Kids learn that all “monsters” are not there to scare you. Also, for children they get to see the fun Mike and Sully the two main characters of the movie have. There are very many funny moments that will get everyone laughing.  For teenagers the relationship between Sully and Mike they both show a very strong relationship as best friends. They both may get mad at one another but also are there for each other for anything. In the movie one-way that Mike was there for Sully because towards the end of the movie Sully looses something he thinks forever. Sully knows it was the right thing to do because there is no room for a human running around a monsters town. Oops spoiler. Anyway, Mike actually makes Sully feel better with one more “Boo”. Also for adults the movie actually in my opinion sends a message that no matter what there is always good people out in the world. In this case monsters. Sully takes care of a little human girl like she’s his own. I feel it makes parents appreciate how sometimes you need people like that. Lastly, Monster’s Inc is just all around one of the best movies. It teaches children, teenagers, and adults something but adding a touch of comedy, suspense, and romance. Check out the Monster's Inc